On 1 January 2017, the Ardèche department had 19 public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation (EPCIs) with a population of 332,051, including:

City, village, municipality
  • 3 agglomeration communities, one of which is interdepartmental with Drôme
  • 16 communities of communes, 2 of which are interdepartmental, one with Drôme, the other with Gard.
  • 335 communes in the Ardèche

What is an EPCI?

It’s the tool used to implement cooperation between communes, within a public establishment for inter-communal cooperation (EPCI).

Since the adoption of the territorial reform of 2010 and the law of 27 January 2014 on the modernisation of territorial public action and the affirmation of metropolises, EPCIs include:

syndicats de communes (law of 22 March 1890) ;
communities of communes (Act of 6 February 1992) ;
urban communities (law of 31 December 1966) ;
agglomeration communities (law of 12 July 1999);
syndicats d’agglomération nouvelle (law of 13 July 1983);
metropolises (law of 16 December 2010 and law of 27 January 2014).

Maps of EPCIs in the Ardèche

Here is the map of the communities of communes and agglomeration communities as at 1 January 2019, published by the Préfecture of the department:

Interactive map

To find the agglomeration or community of communes of your choice directly, here is an interactive map of the EPCIs in the Ardèche :

List of EPCIs in the Ardèche

All the information comes from the Préfecture de l’Ardèche website, as at 1 January 2017 for the population figures, the names of the local authorities (EPCI) and the list of communes that make them up.

Community of communes Porte de DrômArdèche

  • 35 communes: 47,641 inhabitants

8 in Ardèche: 6,726 inhabitants, including Andance, Arras-sur-Rhône, Champagne, Eclassan, Ozon, Peyraud, Saint-Etienne-de-Valoux and Sarras.

27 in the Drôme: 40,915 inhabitants with Albon, Andancette, Anneyron, Beausemblant, Chateauneuf-de-Galaure,
Claveyson, Epinouze, Fay-le-Clos, Le-Grand-Serre, Hauterives, Lapeyrouse-Mornay, Laveyron, Lens-Lestang,
Manthes, Moras-en-Valloire, La-Motte-de-Galaure, Mureils, Ponsas, Ratières, Saint-Avit, Saint-Barthélemy-de-Vals,
Saint-Martin-d’Août, Saint-Rambert-d’Albon, Saint-Sorlin-en-Valloire, Saint-Uze, Saint-Vallier, Tersanne.

  • For more information, visit
Community of communes Porte DrômArdèche (EPCI)
Porte DrômArdèche

Cèze-Cévennes Community of Municipalities

  • 23 communes: 19,795 inhabitants

1 in Ardèche: Saint-Sauveur-de-Cruzières with 541 inhabitants.

22 in the Gard: 19,254 inhabitants with Allègre-les-Fumades, Barjac, Bessèges, Bordezac, Courry, Gagnières, Méjannesle-Clap, Meyrannes, Molières-sur-Cèze, Navacelles, Peyremale, Potelières, Rivières, Robiac-Rochessadoule,
Rochegude, Saint-Ambroix, Saint-Brès, Saint-Denis, Saint-Jean-de-Maruéjols-et-Avéjan, Saint-Privat-deChampclos,
Saint-Victor-de-Malcap, Tharaux.

Aubenas Basin Community of Communes

  • 29 communes: 40,465 inhabitants

Ailhon, Aizac, Antraigues-sur-Volane, Asperjoc, Aubenas, Fons, Genestelle,
Juvinas, Labastide-sur-Besorgues, Labégude, Lachapelle-sous-Aubenas, Lavilledieu, Laviolle, Lentillères,
Mercuer, Mézilhac, Saint-Andéol-de-Vals, Saint-Didier-sous-Aubenas, Saint-Étienne-de-Boulogne, SaintÉtienne-de-Fontbellon, Saint-Joseph-des-Bancs, Saint-Julien-du-Serre, Saint-Michel-de-Boulogne, SaintPrivat, Saint-Sernin, Ucel, Vals-les-Bains, Vesseaux, Vinezac.

  • Find out more about the Aubenas area:
Community of communes Aubenas
Aubenas area

Gorges de l’Ardèche Community of Communes

  • 20 communes: 15,087 inhabitants

Balazuc, Bessas, Chauzon, Grospierres, Labastide-de-Virac, Labeaume,
Lagorce, Lanas, Orgnac-l’Aven, Pradons, Rochecolombe, Ruoms, Saint-Alban-Auriolles, Saint-Maurice-d’Ardèche, Saint-Remèze, Salavas, Sampzon, Vagnas, Vallon-Pont-d’Arc, Vogüé.

  • For more information, visit
Community of communes Gorges de l'Ardèche
Gorges de l’Ardèche

Ardèche Sources and Volcanoes Community of Communes

  • 16 communes: 9,888 inhabitants

Barnas, Burzet, Chirols, Fabras, Jaujac, Lalevade-d’Ardèche, Mayres, Meyras,
Montpezat-sous-Bauzon, Péreyres, Pont-de-Labeaume, Prades, Saint-Cirgues-de-Prades, Saint-Pierre-de-Colombier,
La-Souche, Thueyts.

Pays des Vans en Cévennes Community of Communes

  • 15 communes: 9,239 inhabitants

Les-Assions, Banne, Beaulieu, Berrias-et-Casteljau, Chambonas, Gravières,
Malarce-sur-la-Thines, Malbosc, Montselgues, Saint-André-de-Cruzières, Saint-Paul-le-Jeune, Saint-PierreSaint-Jean,
Sainte-Marguerite-Lafigère, Les-Salelles, Les-Vans.

Pays Beaume-Drobie Community of Communes

  • 19 communes: 8,835 inhabitants

Beaumont, Chandolas, Dompnac, Faugères, Joyeuse, Lablachère, Laboule,
Loubaresse, Payzac, Planzolles, Ribes, Rocles, Rosières, Sablières, Saint-André-Lachamp, Saint-Genest-deBeauzon,
Saint-Mélany, Valgorge, Vernon.

Berg et Coiron Community of Municipalities

  • 13 communes: 7,695 inhabitants

Berzème, Darbres, Lussas, Mirabel, Saint-Andéol-de-Berg, Saint-Germain,
Saint-Gineys-en-Coiron, Saint-Jean-le-Centenier, Saint-Laurent-sous-Coiron, Saint-Maurice-d’Ibie, SaintPons,
Sceautres, Villeneuve-de-Berg.

Val de Ligne Community of Municipalities

  • 11 communes: 6,439 inhabitants

Chassiers, Chazeaux, Joannas, Largentière, Laurac-en-Vivarais, Montréal,
Prunet, Rocher, Sanilhac, Tauriers, Uzer.

Community of communes of the Montagne d’Ardèche

  • 29 communes: 5,158 inhabitants

Astet, Le-Béage, Borne, Borée, Cellier-du-Luc, Coucouron, Cros-de-Géorand, Issanlas, Issarlès, Le-Lac-d’Issarlès, Lachamp-Raphaël, Lachapelle-Graillouse, Lanarce, Laval-d’Aurelle, Laveyrune, Lavillatte, Lespéron, Mazan-l’Abbaye, Le-Plagnal, La-Rochette, Le-Roux, Sagnes-et-Goudoulet, Saint-Alban-en-Montagne, Saint-Cirgues-en-Montagne, Saint-Étienne-de-Lugdarès, Saint-Laurent-les-Bains, Saint-Martial, Sainte-Eulalie, Usclades-et-Rieutord.

Privas Centre Ardèche conurbation (CAPCA)

  • 42 communes: 44,790 inhabitants

Ajoux, Alissas, Beauchastel, Beauvène, Chalencon, Chateauneuf-de-Vernoux,
Chomérac, Coux, Creyseilles, Dunière-sur-Eyrieux, Flaviac, Freyssenet, Gilhac-et-Bruzac, Gluiras,
Gourdon, Lyas, Marcols-les-Eaux, Les-Ollières-sur-Eyrieux, Pourchères, Le-Pouzin, Pranles, Privas,
Rochessauve, Rompon, Saint-Apollinaire-de-Rias, Saint-Cierge-la-Serre, Saint-Étienne-de-Serre, Saint-Fortunat-sur-Eyrieux, Saint-Jean-Chambre, Saint-Julien-du-Gua, Saint-Julien-en-Saint-Alban, Saint-Julienle-Roux,
Saint-Laurent-du-Pape, Saint-Maurice-en-Chalencon, Saint-Michel-de-Chabrillanoux, Saint-Priest,
Saint-Sauveur-de-Montagut, Saint-Vincent-de-Durfort, Silhac, Vernoux-en-Vivarais, Veyras, La-Voulte-sur-Rhône.

  • To find out more, visit
Conurbation Privas Centre Ardèche
Privas Centre Ardèche

Ardèche-Rhône-Coiron Community of Communes

  • 15 communes: 22,785 inhabitants

Member communes (15) : Alba-la-Romaine, Aubignas, Baix, Cruas, Meysse, Rochemaure, Saint-Bauzile,
Saint-Lager-Bressac, Saint-Martin-sur-Lavezon, Saint-Pierre-la-Roche, Saint-Symphorien-sous-Chomérac,
Saint-Thomé, Saint-Vincent-de-Barrès, Le-Teil, Valvignères.

Community of communes from the Rhône to the Ardèche gorges

  • 9 communes: 19,611 inhabitants

Bidon, Bourg-Saint-Andéol, Gras, Larnas, Saint-Just-d’Ardèche, Saint-Marcel d’Ardèche, Saint-Martin-d’Ardèche, Saint-Montan, Viviers.

Arche Agglomeration

Formerly the Hermitage-Tournonais Herbasse Pays de St-Félicien conurbation.

  • 41 communes: 58,133 inhabitants

20 in Ardèche: 25,626 inhabitants with Arlebosc, Boucieu-le-Roi, Bozas, Cheminas, Colombier-le-Jeune, Colombier-le-Vieux, Étables, Glun, Lemps, Mauves, Pailharès, Plats, Saint-Barthélemy-le-Plain, Saint-Félicien, Saint-Jean-de-Muzols, Saint-Victor, Sécheras, Tournon-sur-Rhône, Vaudevant, Vion.

21 in the Drôme : 32,507 inhabitants with Arthémonay, Bathernay, Beaumont-Monteux, Bren, Chanos-Curson, Chantemerle-lesBlés, Charmes-sur-l’Herbasse, Chavannes, Crozes-Hermitage, Erôme, Gervans, Larnage, Margès, Marsaz, Mercurol-Veaunes, Montchenu, Pont-de-l’Isère, La-Roche-de-Glun, Saint-Donat-sur-l’Herbasse, Serves-sur-Rhône, Tainl’Hermitage.

  • For more information, visit
Conurbation Arche Agglo
Arche Agglo

Annonay-Rhône-Agglo conurbation

  • 29 communes: 48,909 inhabitants

Annonay, Ardoix, Bogy, Brossainc, Boulieu-lès-Annonay, Charnas, Colombier-leCardinal,
Davézieux, Félines, Limony, Le-Monestier, Peaugres, Quintenas, Roiffieux, Saint-Clair, Saint-Cyr, Saint-Désirat,
Saint-Jacques-d’Atticieux, Saint-Julien-Vocance, Saint-Marcel-lès-Annonay, Savas, Serrières, Talencieux,
Thorrenc, Vanosc, Vernosc-les-Annonay, Villevocance, Vinzieux, Vocance.

  • To find out more, click here:
Conurbation Annonay-Rhône-Agglo

Rhône-Crussol Community of Communes

  • 13 communes: 33,955 inhabitants

Alboussière, Boffres, Champis, Charmes-sur-Rhône, Châteaubourg, Cornas, Guilherand-Granges, Saint-Georges-les-Bains, Saint-Péray, Saint-Romain-de-Lerps, Saint-Sylvestre, Soyons, Toulaud.

Val’Eyrieux Community of Municipalities

  • 31 communes: 13,482 inhabitants

Accons, Albon-d’Ardèche, Arcens, Le-Chambon, Chanéac, Le-Cheylard, Devesset, Dornas, Intres, Issamoulenc, Jaunac, Lachapelle-sous-Chanéac, Mariac, Mars, Les-Nonières, Rochepaule, Saint-Agrève, Saint-Andéol-de-Fourchades, Saint-André-en-Vivarais, Saint-Barthélemy-le-Meil, Saint-Christol, Saint-Cierge-sous-le-Cheylard, Saint-Clément, Saint-Genest-Lachamp, Saint-Jean-Roure, Saint-Jeure-d’Andaure, SaintJulien-Boutières, Saint-Julien-Labrousse, Saint-Martin-de-Valamas, Saint-Michel-d’Aurance, Saint-Pierreville.

Communauté de communes du Pays de Lamastre

  • 11 communes: 6,818 inhabitants

Member municipalities (11) : Le-Crestet, Desaignes, Empurany, Gilhoc-sur-Ormèze, Labatie-d’Andaure, Lafarre,
Lamastre, Nozières, Saint-Barthélemy-Grozon, Saint-Basile, Saint-Prix.

Community of communes of Val d’Ay

  • 8 communes: 6,002 inhabitants

Lalouvesc, Préaux, Saint-Alban-d’Ay, Saint-Jeure-d’Ay, Saint-Pierre-sur-Doux, SaintRomain-d’Ay, Saint-Symphorien-de-Mahun, Satillieu.

In connection with the Rhône river