Are you arriving at or departing from Geneva Cornavin station? Here are the inside and outside maps of the station and departure times.

gare de Genève

Maps of Geneva station

To help you find your way around the station, find your platform or exit:

Interior map

Outside map

Interactive map

Services, combined mobility, restaurants and takeaways, shops, offices and medical services, getting on and off, the interactive map will help you get around:

Train timetables, Geneva station

Timetables and destinations for trains departing from Geneva Cornavin station in Switzerland:

Geneva train station

Practical information via the official page :

Léman Express timetable and map

Zoom map of the LEX transport network for Léman Express (trains, stations and buses) :

Train in Switzerland

Timetables, map and practical information :

  • Schedules and train tickets for all destinations in Switzerland directly with:


Hotel, rental
Activities, visits, tickets, leisure
Activities, visits, tickets, leisure