Consult the SNCF TER line 8 train timetable in Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’ Azur between Marseille and Avignon via Arles :

Train TER 8 Zou
Stops and stations served
The line 8 TER SNCF train from the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur region serves the following stations, depending on the timetable:
- Avignon-centre
- Arles
- Saint-Martin-de-Crau
- Miramas
- Vitrolles Marseille Provence airport
- Marseille-Saint-Charles.
Map of TER line 8 Zou
Extract from the map of the TER network in the PACA region with the Avignon to Marseille line:

TER 8 Zou SNCF train timetable
Train ticket
Book your TER bus or train ticket in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Where are the stations?
And what better way to plan your journey than with a map of railway stops and stations by region, from TER to TGV (French):

Trains in France and Switzerland
Timetable, map and practical information :

- Reservation and train tickets for all destinations in France directly with:
Along the Rhône
- Map of the Rhône river
- Weather along the Rhône
- Taking the train in Switzerland and France
- Where to sleep in the Rhône valley?
- River tourism map (Rhône)
- Towns along the river
- The Viarhôna, the green bike route along the Rhône river